This episode with therapist Marine Selenee, of French ancestry, who specializes in the practice of Family Constellations, dives deep into why we keep repeating destructive patterns, and how we can stop doing so by healing our family traumas—both our own and those of our ancestors.
Things discussed:
What is Family Constellations?
How is it used to break damaging patterns?
Your body remembers and guides you toward what needs healing.
Trauma is passed down genetically through generations, and it appears as fears and phobias in descendants.
The four principles to teach children in order for them to thrive.
We all want to belong, and we’ll even take on bad habits—alcoholism, gambling— in order to feel we belong to our families.
Our lives are entangled with our ancestors stories.
All family members have a place, including those lost through miscarriage, and someone will repeat the story if those members are not recognized.
Taking responsibility for our own lives, no matter how our parents may have failed us.
Marine's website
Marine on Instagram
Bert Hellinger
Family Constellations Therapy
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