"You've given me such a gift, Dolores. I hope you realize how special and impactful the work you're doing is, and how grateful I am to you.” —Samantha LaPointe

"This feels so healing. It’s another way to keep my father's memory alive. An aspect of this workshop that I found extremely effective was all of the individualized feedback you were able to give each participant. The changes I was able to make from week one to week two would never have happened without all of your feedback….It was so clear how much thought and attention to detail you put into this workshop. I will miss seeing you all on Saturday mornings, but I am very excited to have new friends to keep in touch with!" —Jennifer DuPont

Summer Writing Retreat:

Tell the Story of Your Ancestors

A creative exploration of

ancestry, culture & personal history

The past is never dead. It’s not even past.
— William Faulkner

When we know our family stories, we know who we are. When we know who we are, we are rooted, strong & confident. Studies show that children who know their family stories—who know where they come from & who they come from—are less likely to get into trouble, do drugs, & more likely to excel in academics and life in general.

But how do we gather this wisdom? How do we explore the connection between our ancestors, their land, ourselves & our descendants?

In this two-day retreat, designed to be a beauty-filled, creative exploration of where we come from, who we come from & how best to capture it all, we will do just that.

“After our session, I experienced such an onslaught of emotions. You did a fantastic job. You have the ideal amount of passion, sincerity and finesse to guide and to encourage your students. It was amazing how a group of 'strangers' could share the most intimate of thoughts and feelings, but we really are not strangers, just kindred souls. It was a wonderful and invigorating experience! Honestly, Dolores, thank you so very much. I am so very happy that I stepped out of my comfort zone to experience this workshop with you.” —Christina Pedota Polidore

This is not just a project.

It’s a legacy.

  • How to write about ancestors you knew or know stories about.

    We’ll talk about how to capture legacy stories—the stories about people you love & knew, and which you want to ensure future generations are intimate with. We’ll also talk about how to capture the essence of stories you’ve heard about ancestors you didn’t know, & how to make these stories real to descendants.

  • How to write about ancestors you didn’t know & know little about.

    We’ll talk about how to handle the gaps—how to fill them in with research, but also how to embrace them. We’ll talk about using story tidbits, or lack thereof, to create your family’s own personal folklore that can endure for generations.

  • How to use photography, art & objects in your storytelling.

    We’ll talk about how to incorporate the visual into your storytelling—both old photography & new, as well art, images of the spiritual, drawing & personal objects, and even how to incorporate food, recipes, plants & herbs.

  • How to write your own story into the greater narrative.

    We’ll talk about exploring your own life to bring your story into the present & draw connections between past generations & the current one. We’ll focus on narrative, craft, content & style.

We will also cover:

  • How to write well—tips, tricks, and considerations for powerful prose to improve your writing not only in this project, but in every aspect of your life.

  • Approaches to narrative: How to choose the structure for your story. Do you want to write from one person’s perspective? Many people? Do you want to start at the beginning of a life, or the end?

  • Approaches to research: How to fill in the gaps with research & flesh out your narrative. How to gather stories from those still living & learn things you never knew.

**Please note: Spots are very limited for this workshop, so that I can provide the best one-on-one attention for each participant. Enrollment will be honored on a first come, first serve basis.

If you don’t tell their story, who will?

What’s Included:

Two sessions, four hours total, of live work together.

Live informational sessions on each topic.

Recordings available within 24 hours.

A lovely, old-fashioned (actually printed!) booklet mailed to you beforehand, which includes:

Assignments, exercises & prompts to inspire you, shake off the dust, get you started on this project & encourage you to see things from a fresh perspective.

Writing examples, which we will discuss, to demonstrate how other writers have done similar work.

Guidance on ways to organize your writing, along with an overview of how to write well.

In addition, each participant will have time to have their writing workshopped in a respectful, loving manner, with feedback from participants, as well as myself, to help hone voice and vision.

Email exchanges with me for advice, feedback, questions & more for 30 days following the retreat as you continue with your project.


Saturday, July 13

10 am to noon Eastern Time

Saturday, July 20

10 am to noon Eastern Time

Where: Via Zoom

Cost: $425

**Please note: Spots are very limited for this workshop, so that I can provide the best one-on-one attention for each participant. Enrollment will be honored on a first come, first serve basis.